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bastardized english

bastardized english is a type of speech used by people who do poor imitations of Aussies. They take any word that has an "ite" or "ike" and make it sound Australian, and are left with a shitty sounding gay word. Only Daryn Jones from the TV show Buzz can do it and sound funny.

Strike=Stroike-only funny when Daryn says it
Vagina=Vagoina-from the film BASEketball so its funny
Quite=Quoite-just not cool
Night=Noight-also quite gay
Bike=Boike-kind of interestingly homosexual

by Ninjalo March 24, 2004

11👍 33👎

cody the english bastard

england. A loser, a smelly man with no morals and no brain.

cody: Oi! I suck ass!
Someone: Yes you do!
cody" now be a good chap and bend over!

by COUGH.. NOT SHIRLEY August 19, 2004

11👍 28👎