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beacon of hope

A tent pitched on the top of a roof that brings hope to all those around it. Often used for smoking and/or relaxing.

Person 1: "Class sucked today. Nothing will make this day better."

French Friend: "Au contrair, my friend. We still have the beacon of hope!"

Person 1: "Oh wow! You're right. Let's go hang out in the beacon."

by brogate_bro December 11, 2010

19👍 5👎

Beacon of Hope

When playing Left 4 Dead you are the last person alive in campaign or Versus, and its your job to either revive the rest of the team up or make it to the safe room.

Go guy make it to the safe room you're our beacon of hope!

by doctor lollypop January 19, 2011

2👍 9👎

Beacon of Hope

Unless he's got a fat cock!

Hym "Then he's just more evidence I'm right! Just goes to show how far the fat cock will carry you. Create A.I. literally? Nothing! Have a fat cock? Fuck all the actresses!"

Destiny "Et's probably both nebulous and his personality bro! Becuase everything is nebulous and internal locus of control bro!"

Hym "You... You get the fuck out of here... I have something for your 'internal locus of control Peterson sphere bullshit..... Ok.. So, your 'beacon of hope' is likely nothing more than a fat-cocked poll-vault. This idiot using his fat-cock to launch himself to greater and greater heights."

by Hym Iam May 19, 2024