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beer cold

getting a cold from drinking cold beer in the cold weather at some random house party b/c everyone is standing out in the yard smoking.

dude, the party was fun, but i got a bad case of the beer cold.

by cindymindy October 1, 2007

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the cold beer

The cold beer is the best thing you can have on a Friday night. When you have the cold beer, everything is good. It is always the cold beer and not just "beer" or "cold beer". Made famous by retired professional wrestler, The Iron Sheik, on Twitter.

It's Friday night! Get the cold beer, bubba.

by Usvart Jorge September 19, 2015

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Team Cold Beer

When Michael Atlee, Pavlos Angelopoulos and friends of the Pirate group that are known as Team Cold Beer in all there activities dabble in massive amounts of indulgence. "Cold Beer is also the team name of there fishing team, soccer team and their home known as Cold Beer Mansion."

Team Cold Beer, if you aren't first your last.

by Cold Beer Dabbler July 17, 2011

Cold beer passer

Official title, usually for a young child, a girlfriend/spouse, or that lame nigga in the crew, whose sole purpose is to pass beer around to you and/or your friends. This title is highly exercised during games or when the guys are chillin at the crib.

She is my cold beer passer!

My lil boy takes great pride in his job as my cold beer passer.

Honey, don't get mad at me, you know you're my one and only...cold beer passer

by Banks3321 July 23, 2009

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Uncommonly cold beer

A tactic used to distract the opposite team in beer pong by claiming the beer is to cold. This will in turn cause the opposing team to focus more on making fun of the fact the other team finds that the beer is to cold, and take their focus off the game.

Check this out son, Tome and I claimed that we were playing with Uncommonly cold beer, it totally distracted Pj and Pete. We won flawlessly, but Pj and Pete suck anyways......i

by Yoda69 November 30, 2010

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Piping Cold Beer

When a cold beer is being served by a waiter. It's used in the same context as piping hot tea

Bring out the piping Cold beer!

by Maanchies December 24, 2020

Have No Fear of Ice Cold Beer

Naming the seven diatomic elements:

Have (hydrogen) No (nitrogen) Fear (Flourine) Of (oxygen) Ice (iodine) Cold (chlorine) Beer (bromine)!

Much easier to remember than i bring clay for our new home!

Dude, can you tell me what the seven diatomic elements are?

Have No Fear Of Ice Cold Beer!

Thanks, Man!

by masterhobbit May 17, 2012

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