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Big dude Scary Face

A large person who has a staring problem, but when he stares his face slightly resembles a Harlequin baby.

AH. It's big dude scary face!

by jamie leek June 3, 2008

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Big, scary

Used to portray anxiety towards a person or event.

Alan: β€œDid you see that big, scary lady?”
Brenda: β€œThat big, scary lady was a drag queen!”

by LynnaBina July 22, 2019

The Big Scary One

Word used to describe the ultimate badass! Refers to having or behaving as if having a penis large enough to cause fear. Also known as the "BSO".

"He has the big scary one!"

by Wildkir2 October 12, 2011

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big scary ghost

Klu Klux Klan member, in uniform.

lets dress up like big scary ghosts and walk around downtown

by Logan Smith December 17, 2004

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Big Scary Muscle People

big scary muscle people are huge and terrifying idiots who do nothing but stay at home and drink minster while crying and i love them all <3. theyre the fucking best and theyre very kind and hate tory pisskinks. also furries exist too but lets not talk about that

opal: iasBDNFXOQRIUFQLbdvbpfnapnpuGGGwuwfh xnhqhfqeryfgsa
lily: Big Scary Muscle People

by im rowan what the fuck is up February 5, 2021

Big And Scary

Being big and scary like duck

wow duck is so big and scary
unlike fox

by gay fella April 16, 2024

Big Scary Fang

A large and long tringular tooth mostly on the edge of the mouth, mostly popular on fantasy fiction and most of them belong to giant creepy and hostile monsters.

Gamer: the Snow Stalker from the Subnautica Below Zero? Yes.

Gamer: Many Big Scary Fangs? Few.

by Luyinet November 15, 2021