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big hearted

Complementary adjective describing a young man who supplies cigarettes.

Be big hearted and butt me, whon't you?

by Bob Proczko October 16, 2006

9👍 44👎

Big Heart

An expression used specifically in Algeria between guys to describe a girl with big boobs

Wadie!! don't turn, but there's a girl with a big heart behind you.
Wadie : *turns instantly*

by IcyHot elHot March 11, 2022

big heart

A heart that is larger than the average heart

Lance Armstrong has a big heart

by tacoLvr2332 October 17, 2013

27👍 59👎

big heart energy

very soft and loving and having the biggest heart

Kim Jonghyun has big heart energy.

by my name is trey July 16, 2018

19👍 1👎

Big Heart Syndrome

Often abbreviated as BHS, Big Heart Syndrome is where a person has such a big heart that they tend to care too much about others and are usually quick to fall in love/suffer a broken heart. Those afflicted with BHS also try to "fix" people or "fix" others current situations.

I look at the situations some of my friends and family are in, and all I can do is cry. My Big Heart Syndrome is acting up.

by VanguardX274 November 29, 2015

17👍 1👎

huge chunk of meat with a big heart

A huge chunk of meat is a person, usually extremely buff and tall that looks intimidating but is actually very nice and couldn't hurt a fly

examples of a person like this is Jonathan Joestar from the popular anime and manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventures

Person1: how was math class? what do you think about your new teacher?
Person2: He's a huge chunk of meat with a big heart

by YesImRealManIloveToDoTheCrime. September 3, 2021