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The company that babysits Korean boy band "Bangtan Sonyeondan" while dominating the ENTIRE world economy, single handedly.

" - Yo dawg, do you know Bighi-

- Yes, yes i do. Who doesn't know Bighit.

- Ok, got point g. "

by hoseokk January 11, 2019

71πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The company that can’t count to 7. Seriously stop bootlicking them

Oh you can’t count ? You must be bighit

by Oi595969 August 24, 2020

4πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

BigHit's Legendary Trainee

is a title given to TXT member Choi Yeonjun for always ranking 1st in all categories (rapping, singing, dancing) when he was a trainee at BigHit

"Yeonjun is so cool they call him as BigHit's Legendary Trainee"

by Abc_de December 5, 2020

Pull a BigHit

The act in which a small K-pop company and unknown K-pop group starts to get recognition because of their very very talented members, meaningful songs, and star appeal. But, they only get recognition YEARS after debut.

Person 1: "Dreamcatcher is so talented. It's kinda sad that they're so underrated."

Person 2: "I think their company needs to pull a BigHit."

by daddysunbaenim October 4, 2022