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big style

To do something really well, to have a good time.

Are you gonna have party?
Yeah, big style!

by f September 8, 2003

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big style

Big style is a word to express excitement, express happiness and express arse

Me da: that joint was lethal, yeah?

Me: yeah yeah yeah, Big style

by JohnnyCarmo March 30, 2013

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Big style

An attitude, philosophy, or in some cases a way of life that maintains a very chill style, and a total disregard for others. To attempt to explain it any further is impossible, and the only way to truly understand it is to immerse yourself into it. The creation of Big style is often credited to Erik Knisely, although Cody Godfrey (Moky) popularized it.

There is no definite example of Big style. Signs of it could include violence, or the absence of a driveway.

by BigStyleEnthusiast March 24, 2011

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slammed down big style

To get fucked; can be used in multiple contexts

Man, I got slammed down, BIG STYLE by that exam today

Dude did you see that Rachel really got slammed down big style at the party last night? I think she has a problem.

by mfy October 16, 2023

big boy style

When you do something and do it well.

He f*cked her big boy style.

by KRHimself April 18, 2004

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Big Asian style

To do something to its complete extremity. To partake in something and put in more than the adequate amount of effort required that it becomes completely over the top and unnecessary.

Example #1. "I told my friend to make himself at home but he went big Asian style and ate all my food, redecorated my house, painted the walls and shat in my garden."

Example #2. Friend #1: "Dude, I'm going to get on the piss big Asian style tonight!"

Friend #2: "Well, I look forward to scraping your ass off of the curb after you've rooted the ugliest, fattest girl in the bar, made a complete ass out of yourself and streaked down the road before passing out in a pool of blood, vomit and urine..."

by Kurtis "Krazy Eyez" Killah January 21, 2011

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big willy style

Big willy style is how you roll. It’s more then an attitude it’s a presents. It fills the room, it must be noticed. It’s a popular tag line for that larger then life character and lots of guys named Bill, William or Will. We all know at least one guy named β€œbig willy”, but that guy isn’t always big willy style. Get it ?

PS – tell google to stop changing the spelling to big willie style when people search for the true meaning of big willy style. Will Smith is not the only one with rights to this phrase.

That lacrosse player just broke the defenders ankles, now that's big willy style.

by vermont802 October 2, 2015

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