Source Code

Big Whore

A game played while in a car with friends.

The object of the game is for every person in the car to pick a different insulting phrase and shout it out the window at pedestrians.


Skanky ass bitch
Big Whore.
Cunt Scab
Anal Strap-on

Taylow, "Shit, I'm bored."

*Ashley rolls down her window*

"I'm skanky ass bitch"

"I'm Big Whore"

by Wanters September 22, 2006

9πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

big shit whore

A dirty slag whore who also like to play with shit

1) Hey look at McCabage that big shit whore playing with shit

by MacCabage hater shes scum October 15, 2006

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

One big man whore

An alternative name for Chad Narukami, the protagonist of the Persona 4 anime.

Did you hear about Chad Narukami? He’s one big man whore.

by vennify April 14, 2024