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bippity boppity

-The art of granting a wish
-A death threat

I want ____! Well bippity boppity here ya go

by Alpha Titan August 12, 2017

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bippity boppity bitch

A bitch that loves bops. A fun word to call your best friend. She’s usually really fun and crazy. A beautiful bitch I must say.

That pretty girl dancing over there is such a bippity boppity bitch!

by Silly shishtar January 27, 2019

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bippity boppity burns

to smack someone on the head causing them to black-out while engaging in sexual intercourse

i gave her a bippity boppity burns to put her to sleep

he bippity boppity burns'd me, i dont remember a thing

by Paul Houghton February 24, 2021

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bippity boppity burns

to smack someone on the head causing them to black-out, while engaging in sexual intercourse

i gave her a bippity boppity burns on saturday to put her to sleep

by Paul Houghton February 24, 2021

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Bippity Boppity Boo

When your three little mice walk in on you and your prince charming...

*Knock, Knock, Knock*
(3 of their children walk into the bedroom)
"Mommy, Daddy, what are you doing in there?"
"Hunny I think we just got Bippity Boppity Boo!"

by John Sargeson August 15, 2008

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Bippity Boppity You Are My Property

When someone says this to you, you immediately become their property and must submit to their will

Person 1: Hey was--
Person 2: Bippity boppity you are my property
Person 1: Yes master

by Turd_Nugget January 26, 2020

Bippity Boppity back tf up

The way disney Tell you to back the f up well sounding original.

MEEP- Bippity Boppity back tf up out of my swamp you Sea witch looking man!

by EATSH!T January 20, 2018

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