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bit of me

When someone or something is your type - what you're interested in.

Chav 1: What do you think of her?
Chav 2: Yeah Bruv, she's a bit of me

by #WordDescriber February 20, 2018

50πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

not a bit of me

Something you would not like to do or be asscociated with.

Mate: Oi big man, should we get some pineapple on the pizza.

Me: naa mate that’s not a bit of me.

by WordsIsayAreGolden October 4, 2017

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Charlie bit me

A video of a young British kid putting his finger in his baby brother, Charlie's mouth. Charlie bites his finger and the kid complains saying Charlie bit him. The video has been parodied numerous times on Youtube with people dubbing the voices from the original video over something different.

"Charlie ow ow OWWWWW!!!!.....CHARLIE!!!.....Charlie bit me..."

by WelfareChris April 3, 2008

105πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

hair of the dog that bit me

Any alcoholic beverage, the consumption of which is supposed to clear up one's hangover from previous drinking (but will tend to have the opposite effect in reality). Origins of the phrase date back to medieval times, when hairs from a biting dog were put in the bite wound in the belief that this promoted healing.

Lloyd: What will you be drinking, sir?

Jack: Hair of the dog that bit me, Lloyd.

Lloyd: Bourbon on the rocks?

Jack: That'll do it.

by Carl Willis January 7, 2006

243πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

Hair of the girble that bit me

ingesting anything that will help you forget what happended the previous night.

Luis: Tony what's wrong with you?
Tony: I need some of the hair of the girble that bit me?
Luis: What?

Tony: Give me anything that will help me forget last night.

by gangstagoldfish March 2, 2011

2πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

If It Were A Snake, It Would Have Bit Me

An idiom most often used in the Southern parts of the United States. Often heard when older men or women are searching in a general area, looking for a misplaced object. They search for a good while, only to find that the object was a few feet from them all the time. They pick it up, brush it off, grin and say:

"If it were a snake, it would have bit me."

This is because in the rural South snakes are a part of life. Everyone has at least one story about the time they were surprised by a rattler or a cottonmouth.

Guy 1: Where are my keys?
Guy 2: They are right in front of you on that table.
Guy 1: If it were a snake, it would have bit me.

by β™« Highway to Hell β™« January 29, 2010

1086πŸ‘ 276πŸ‘Ž

fur of the dog that bit me

To drink alcohol the morning after getting wasted to cure a hangover.

" How you feeling man"
" like shit. I need the fur of the dog that bit me"

by Hey you guys July 12, 2015