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bite your tongue

When a person wants to say something that may be offensive or hurtful to someone, so instead says nothing.

Opposite of speaking your mind.

She asked me if I liked her play. I just bit my tongue and nodded.

If somebody asks if you think there is something wrong with them, it is best to bite your tongue and say nothing.

by liquidtenmillion November 26, 2006

263👍 118👎

bite your tongue

what you say to someone who says something that you disapprove of

Sammy: "say Sally, isn't your 40th birthday just around the corner?"

Sally: (with icy look in her eyes) ".....bite your tongue old man!"

by polo January 25, 2006

150👍 84👎

bite your tongue

A response to something you don't want to hear.

Andy: But you hate me. :
Cait: Bite your tongue! I do not.

by J <3 April 19, 2006

43👍 68👎