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Black Tea

The liquid portion of diarehea. More specifically a very dark black liquid that squirts from the ass with great force. The excretion contains no solid pieces and is very running.

I ate some day old tacos and now I'm fixin' to brew some black tea.

by mike meds October 13, 2006

14πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

black tea

when you shit in your partners mouth and tea bag her!

Joey: hey bob guess what!
Bob: what joey?!
Joey: i gave maria a black tea last night
Bob: your distgusting

by iV alfie Vi August 1, 2009

2πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

black tea slut

a female that wears heavy makeup, dresses in a gothic style, usually someone you’d call β€œalt”

a female that knows how to manipulate both men and women into submission and obedience

black tea sluts often are women that get called β€œgirlboss”, β€œmommy”, etc.

person1: β€œdid you see felicia yesterday?”
person 2: β€œthat black tea slut? of course, her sexiness is outstanding!”

by randomweirdolollll January 9, 2022

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blueberry iced black tea lemonade

the most delicious thing ever

I want blueberry iced black tea lemonade

by peppermint_tea October 21, 2019

black Irish tea

Dark colored tea, most Irish people have had it before. Has quite a bit of caffeine.

Girl: My favorite drink is black Irish tea.

by thatgirlwhostares April 21, 2020

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