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refers to the sound that a males penis makes when he hits it against a females face

She was talkin dirty so I blapped her

by duder October 4, 2003

1160πŸ‘ 507πŸ‘Ž


used mainly by valley girl wannabes or previouslys at the end of a sentence; applies in-your-face emphasis; connotes finality; similar to and interchangeable with, β€˜and done’
a shortened quip of a word used in place of β€˜you got served’ or β€˜you just got handed your own ass’.

Phrase accompanied by an air check or air period (as in punctuation) pointing hand gesture, such as would be used by white chicks (the movie) types, like β€˜period’ or β€˜check the box’ said with a sassy face.

Implies attitude and sass. Means the previous statement is not arguable, or the previous statement was a great burn, or you totally just lost an argument no question, or can’t dispute the accomplishment or flex.

bitchy friend: (sarcastically, while disapproving of an outfit): hmm, wish I thought of that color scheme
sassy person: um, you already did, borrowed it from your rack from last season, and blap

guy: hah, if you came to see me sorry, I’m with *dumb bitch*
girl: actually not, your cousin *so hot* is meeting me here, blap

by williet hughnot November 2, 2019

11πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


To destroy your opponent with ease. Used in online games.

<banaj> i blapped that rogue in 2 spells

by Ojajoh October 16, 2006

81πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž


The art of slapping someone across the face with your penis, then they become your bitch.

Shaggs was pissing me off so I blapped him with my meatsword. He is now my bitch, I pwned him.

by The Holy Diving Troll November 6, 2013

7πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž



to blap: to hit, to strike, to brush, to bang up

1 - Give me my crips.
2 - No.
1 - Give me my crips or I will blap you.
2 - Here are your crips.

3 - That cracker stole my hat.
4 - Allow, lets go blap him.

by Steve Lewis June 14, 2004

20πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


A genre of music named from the combination of "black" and "pop", "black" and "rap", or "black", "pop", and "rap". It refers to each of the above music combination genres.

Most common in today's top 40s stations.

Today on BET, I heard a lot of blap. Man I hate that laffy-taffy song.

by Doop Snogg May 8, 2008

7πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


A word used to blank out certain prophane words from daily conversation.

Shut the blap up!

Go blap yourself!

Blap you! Pay me.

by J.A.Wright March 23, 2006

13πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž