Source Code

Blue Unicorn

The spread of blue balls to the schlong starting at the base and moving slowly towards the tip.

"how was that girl last night?"
"it was good, but she left me with a blue unicorn"

by Had-One-Once April 20, 2009

12👍 13👎

blue room unicorn

When you open a porta potty door, and someone shit on the lid of the toilet. you make the same face you would if you saw a unicorn.

Hey Vic, did you see the glorious blue room unicorn in shitter 3?

by FracStrike September 18, 2017

Blue Collar Unicorn

A lady that works a blue collar job. Often beautiful, but will outwork the men around her.

I work with a Blue Collar Unicorn... She used to be a cheerleader but now she can lay a perfect weld.

by Puddinpop98 October 11, 2023