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body wash

a soap or wash that guy use and only guys. it makes one smell great after word and draws attention in the halls. best if you use kilo from axe. but beware that only preppy guys like me use (kilo) from axe

dam boy! you smell sexy!!!! have you been useing a body wash from axe

by chris beck January 15, 2007

10πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

cincinnati body wash

When a guy cums on a girls wash sponge or washcloth and then wipes her vagina with it and gets pregnant

Dude i feel like giving your sister a cincinnati body wash

by tdogggggggggggggggggggggg February 12, 2011

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Homie body wash

Homie bodywash means if you forgot yo flamingo u just use your homies bodywash

You: ayo I forgot my flamingo can I use your homie bodywash homie?
Homie:ya sure just don’t slather it in ranch like last time
Random dude named jerry: homie body wash is the wash of the body of the homie

by https://m.youtube.com/watch?v= June 4, 2020

Doucher than a body wash

When your douchery goes past douchery. People will start to wish you were liven't at this point.

Chad is doucher than a body wash.

by john stromboli January 3, 2021