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boob touch

When you touch a female's boob(s).

Bob: How'd it go last night?
Bill: I got in a boob touch!

by Daleks August 13, 2011

58👍 25👎

Casual Boob Touch

When you reach out casually and touch someone's boob, calling out CASUAL BOOB TOUCH, as you do it. Similar to scooping except more casual. Not scooping under the boob but touching it with your whole palm as if going for a feel. Its lots of fun. Created by two kids in Greenville. Kenzi L & Lissa J. (Hopefully will become popular and played in schools everywhere!)

Boy1: *touches boob* Casualboobtouch!!
Boy2: Hey isnt that like scooping?
Boy1:No way dude, casual boob touch is so much more fun!!

by Casualboobtouchinator May 4, 2010

26👍 19👎

Triangle Boob Touch

When three girls, usually friends, stand together in a triangle so close that their boobs touch. This happens when they are in a public setting like a party and they need to talk privately.

This can also be done on purpose for fun or as a joke.

"Hey girls, come over here. I have some great gossip!"

"OMG we are in a triangle boob touch right now!"

by chic14leo May 23, 2010

8👍 6👎

Touch boobs november

Something guys want to touch and girls want to avoid but from first to last day of november girls can't slap boys when the touch girls boobs.

Touch boobs november

by Slapper69 November 3, 2020

1👍 12👎