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boy racer

British cousin of the Ricer. Commonly drive small cars around Essex, England.

BR: looka me! i got an escort/vuaxhall nova/ renualt clio with a spioler, fat tyres, a maxpower sticker and neon lighting.

ME: So what engine mods did you put in?

BR: Eh???

by Gumba Gumba February 21, 2004

106๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

boy racer

Someone who thinks its clever to spend ยฃ5,000 tarting up a ยฃ50 piece of crap that is one MOT away from the junk yard, fit it with a stereo pumping out more power than the engine, remove the suspension, destroying what little handling ability it had, and a set of wheels that look like rejects for the London Eye. The exhaust must look like it's been robbed off an F15 Eagle. I have yet to find out what mod they do to the drivers seat to make them all drive canted over to the left like their spine is buggered.

Most Nova SR's

by postie April 4, 2004

328๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž

boy racer

A level headed young male between the age of 17-25 who sensibly makes modifications to his vehicle to improve performance. The use of offensive stickers, spoliers borrowed from British Airways, clear tail-lights that give you a headache and practical rims that cost more than the car are all well implemented by the boy racer. As all boy racers are aware, such modifications make a car not only cool but endlessly faster. Most boy racers obtain this valuable information from such reliable sources as their mates.

Boy racers are also known to drive recklessly, as doing so clearly helps in impressing the opposite sex and compensating for sexual inadequacy. The effect that this has on sensible motorists and elderly pedestrians is generally not taken into consideration. It is not a widely held belief amongst boy racers that motorists will eventually tire of them and encourage them off the road with a nudge from a pick-up truck, or pedestrains will get a sudden surge of adrenaline and hurl a rock through their window and/or plastic spoiler. However, some motorists theorise this will happen.

In conclusion, boy racers make excellent 'airfix' style modifications to their vehicle and spend an admiral amount of time and money modifying a cheap, crappy car with a small engine. Srangely, these modifications never seem to improve performance. They also drive with extreme charisma, few people could claim to handle a vehicle with such spectacular incompetance.

Just don't ask them to change the oil filter, drive up an incline or reverse a trailer.

Typical boy racer: A young lad possesing a greater amount of hair wax than brain cells, in posession of a Citroen Saxo 1.1 litre which his mother has paid for and has sensibly had the kind of money spent on it with which you could conceivably buy a decent car.

by Electric_blues August 22, 2006

260๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž

boy racer

Boy racer :

Some Johnno/Deano who owns a shitty Nova, Corsa, Fiesta, Escort, Clio (the list goes on) or anything remotely shite and whacks aload of shitty max power freebie stickers (without actually owning any of the makes), driving like a cunt and generally being a tit end.

Not to be confused with a Modder or Tuner which actually put in the time and money to increase performance from their car substantialy and partipate in real, legal events.

Awww, did you see simmo in his sorted Nova last week? He put his new HKS and Blitz decals on his door, they look immense!

(Of course HKS and Blitz are a JAP tuning brand and you wont find them in a dirty lil Nova)

by maddatta November 20, 2004

91๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

boy racer

Is an idoit that thinks the greatest thing in life is to drive along the seafront every single day with lasses in there car that arent even old enough to smoke! and the only thing they ever talk about is cars even though they usualy dont know much!

Getting finished for a car after a year and half of being together.i wouldnt mind but it was a shitty sierra

by Angela April 19, 2004

58๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

boy racer

a young lad aged between 17 and 40 who has his banging rave tunes pulsating through the rotting door panels of his vauxhall nova sr which has been painted in a stupid sky (crayon) blue colour with a (bean tin) big bore 4 exhaust bolted to the back of its ridiculously low arse end,and its crap (rocky's) paint job over sprayed onto the windows, and shitty "go faster stickers" up the doors,what a tumble weed!

look at that boy racer trying to make his shit box go faster, it aint gona happen mate!

by pac dogg February 12, 2004

36๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

boy racer

Someone who drives a slow underpowered car, like a 1.0l Vauxhall Corsa, modified with cheap non-functional parts from eBay. Includes a big glue-on bodykit with fake vents, a cheap big spoiler or rear wing which doesn't do anything, and lots of stickers, which the owner thinks add 5hp each. The car will often also have a set of fake BBS wheels, as well as red brake callipers and discs, which they think add power. The car will usually have some of the suspension removed, to make the car look lower (even though doing it this way compromises handling), and a massive fartcan exhaust that the owner could fit their head in. The point of this loud, power-sapping exhaust is to draw attention to how awful the rest of the car is. Loads of loud speakers inside the car so everyone outside their car can "appreciate" their "tunes".

The driver drives badly. He thinks:

1) that the car should be bouncing of the rev limiter for at least 5 seconds before he upshifts.
2) the McDonalds car park is a racetrack
3) that they are professional racing drivers

Boy racers are idiots who think stickers add power

by JDMisLife December 9, 2016

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž