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bra strap

the female version of " get off my dick " . But since women don't have penis and guys don't have boobs.

demise: I met this guy last nite, girl he was fine!
guns: did u hook up?
demise: naw he was all over me I had to tell him to get off my bra strap, and stop riding

by HRM SMK April 2, 2008

15πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

bra strap bracelet

when a girl cuts her bra strap and makes it into a bracket to mark her territory on a man

brian: look what my girl gave me

dave: what is it?- is that a bra strap bracelet?
brian : yup, that’s how you know i’m hers, you know marking her territory

by ya auntie j <3 October 10, 2021

56πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Bra Strap Social

A group of two or more women with their bra straps visible.

Those 3 girls over there are having a bra strap social.

by Baer XIII December 26, 2008

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Bra Strap Feminism

Bra strap feminism refers to feminist rebelliousness that focuses on trivial issues and non-issues such as speaking up against a person that informed her her bra strap was visible, while actually not addressing or contributing anything towards issues that affect basic needs and rights of real underprivileged women around the world such as rapes, domestic violence, sanitary health.

Monica: Hey Samantha, I'm the gonna write to Prof. Kamala requesting her to get a free or subsidised sanitary health station installed in all women's restrooms in the college. What do you think?

Samantha: Nah, hers is just Bra Strap Feminism. She won't help you.

Monica: What do you mean? The other day, I actually saw her speak up FOR WOMEN against the authorities when Mr. Biden's question was taken first and hers next by the organiser!

Samantha: Precisely, Mon! She'll speak up for such stupid things. But won't for real issues. :(

by HisMsCoco January 25, 2023

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

bra-strap headache syndrome

Chronic pain in the back of the neck muscles that radiates to the top of the head. A result of tight-fitting brassier worn (normally...), by women.

Other similiar weird syndromes that are related to bra-strap headache syndrome:

-Tight pants syndrome: abdominal discomfort/ bleeding/ heart burn caused by tight-fitting pants that might rupture an artery or build up acid-reflux from pushing into the wall of the stomach.
-Sunglasses syndrome: numbness and tingling feeling between the eyes that gradually spreads to the nose and upper mouth.
-Seat-belt syndrome: similiar in cause to economic-class syndrome, but is caused from seatbelts that tighten on around the hip area in case of emergency landings or a crash that finally destroy a vital internal organ.

by hammer---;, hytham April 13, 2007

25πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

National bra strap bracelet day

Where girl friends give their boyfriends a bra strap bracelet

Hey babe happy national bra strap bracelet day can I have thys bra strap made out of thys bracelet

Yes you can

by la real 1 August 8, 2022

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Bra strap

Bra strap is something that cannot be shown in public. If it shows its an oopsie moment for a woman ! A woman showing bra strap should be imprisoned for such a dreadful act!

The opposite of Bra strap is underwear strap of a man that is absolutely okay to be seen in public.

Omg your bra strap is visible ! You are such a criminal.

by Panther Nova November 24, 2021