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brown bottle

its hennessy cognac. its described as brown bottle from the dark color the hennessy has.

tupac song hennessy - "They wanna know who's my role model
It's in a brown bottle (Yo what's our motherfucking motto nigga?)Hennessey"

by Tipdrillea April 10, 2007

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brown bottle fever

illness with sympotms such as headache, nausa, bad mood, red eyes, all brought on by drinking bottle beer.

Having had 14 beers last night at the party, Ben was now suffering from brown bottle fever.

by baltsox December 31, 2008

brown bottle flu

n. - a condition consisting of a headach combined with nausea and a sensitivity to bright lights and loud noises. Usually caused by a night of heavy drinking. aka - Hangover

Debbie called in sick today because she has the brown bottle flu.

by MDM December 1, 2004

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Brown Bottle Fever

1: A euphemism for being or appearing drunk.

2: Sometimes a euphemism for alcoholism.

3: Sometimes a euphemism for being hung over.

1: A euphemism for being drunk.

Last night John Doe made a bunch of rambling incomprehensible posts and texts. He seemed to have brown bottle fever.

2: A euphemism for alcoholism.

The court ordered that John Doe do jail time, attend AA and have counseling. To shelter the children, we explained John Doe's absence; as going to school to research brown bottle fever.

3: A euphemism for being hung over.

John Doe has bloodshot eyes, he has been worshiping the porcelain goddess, and is very ill tempered and unproductive. I think he has Brown Bottle Fever again.

by scheme fighter July 7, 2011

Brown bottle swine

brown bottle swine is defined as the disgusting filthpig asshole who at your small poker game feels the need to chew tobacco at the table and without notifying anyone decides to use an empty dark colored beer bottle that you are accustomed to drinking out of and using it as a spittoon.yet setting it down at the table within close proximity of another person.unbeknownst to the soon to be victim who thinks has has yet 1 more swig left of his beer takes said bottle with a trace of another mans spit and used tobacco and whatever else,puts it to his lips to drink and to his dismay finds the grim reality of filth.this act is punishable by death.the reaction of the of the victim is vomiting horribly,defined as the brown bottle flu.

a friend of mine called me up one evening after work and asked if i would like to meet him and a few other guys at the clubhouse to play a game of poker.i said hell yea,ran to the store and got a 6 pack and as i neared the end of my last bottle,i realised i must be in the company of the brown bottle swine,given the spit and tobacco i digested.soon i was under the clear understanding that i had the brown bottle flu.

by Mr.Badluck May 19, 2010

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