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Buffoonishly idiotic

A) Something, like an idea, for example, so buffoonish it's idiotic

B) a person behaving so buffoonishly they make an idiot out of themselves. Or a person behaving so idiotically they make a buffoon of themselves

Aruna Khilanani's ideas fit buffoonishly idiotic def a) while she as a person she is buffoonishly idiotic def b)

by Sexydimma June 12, 2021

Buffoonishly idiotic

A)Something, an idea for example, so buffoonish it's idiotic

B) an intellectual who behaves so much like a buffoon in public they make idiots of themselves.

Aruna Khilanani and her ideas fit definitions a and b of buffoonishly idiotic.

by Sexydimma June 12, 2021