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bullshit ass

When something is phony or untruthful. A lie, or a fake.

Also, something that sucks in quality. Lacks authenticity.

This bullshit ass computer keeps freezing on me.

Ref: The call on the field is that the quarterback was knocked out of bounds.

Fan: Man, that's a bullshit ass call!

by Steve S. November 21, 2004

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bullshit's ass

1. An expression used to denote complete and utter disbelief or shock.
2. A way to emphasize a staunch unwillingness to perform an act or express severe disagreeance.

Ex. 1: Lori: Today is my 35th birthday.
Kris: Bullshit's ass!
Lori: It's true.
Kris: You look like you're no older than your early twenties!
Ex. 2: Girl 1: So, you're going to call him back, even though he was a lying, cheating loser?
Girl 2: Bullshit's ass I will!

by Leah Holt December 1, 2006

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bullshit ass nigga

worthless dude, someone who has no value or substance to anything they say or do

Did Joe come by today? Man, that bullshit ass nigga aint even show up.

by Creek Dawg February 28, 2014

punk ass bullshit

When an object or situation is of low or poor quality.

Most notably uttered in the popular video game, GTA V, by the character, Franklin, who sometimes utters this phrase when he runs out of ammunition.

*Pulls trigger*

*click click*

"Man dis some punk ass bullshit" - Franklin

by Homeless Chicken September 3, 2017

butt monkey ass bullshit

the same meaning as cunt ass nigga bullshit...look it up

anything out of the ordinary truth or untruth

Tammy isn't a whore...thats some butt monkey bullshit.

I aint tryna hear none of that butt monkey ass bullshit that nigga tryna say.

Yo this trick was tryna kick sum butt money ass bullshit in ma ear.

Cant beat me in da head wit dat butt monkey ass bullshit

by jaeve75 June 23, 2011

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Goat-Ass Bullshit

Term used to describe ridiculous policies or decisions that are void any semblance of common sense or rationality.

Who the Fuck came up with this Goat-Ass Bullshit?

by Used2Bscrubs August 9, 2024

Bullshit and Rat ass

Some stupid shit i'd say to myself when the supermarket map was chosen on Natural Disaster Survival.
(specifically i'd say shit like: "would you like to buy some Bullshit and Rat ass?"

Would you like to buy some Bullshit and Rat ass?

by FuckassEmpire October 6, 2023