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Butt Sniffing

Slang; when you meet someone new and aren't convinced by the front they're putting on, so you do some digging into their background to try and find dirt on them.

Alice: Hey Bob, what did you think of our date yesterday?

Bob: It was fine. But I Googled your name when I got home and found a mugshot of you. Why did you rob a bank?

Alice: Wtf, quit butt sniffing!

by UTMcGee February 27, 2020

Butt Sniffing

When you meet someone of a similar caliber and neither of you knows who's who...excatly. You have to ask loaded questions and wait for responses.

I know you're new here, but everyone else knows each other very well. There's going to be some butt sniffing until people get to know you.

by joshsmith01 July 11, 2017

3👍 2👎

butt sniffing

The Smelling of an ass

Stop butt sniffing people, man!

by ERIC October 19, 2003

29👍 23👎