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Cafeteria Food

Just lower your expectations while your at it.

I would rather eat from the garbage can from a McDonald's than eat Cafeteria Food.

by Dahooligan January 30, 2019

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Cafeteria Food

When you cant tell the difference between shit and the food on the plate, and your friend is still eating it.

Friend has Cafeteria Food on their plate that looks like real shit.

You ask them what it is

They say its food.

Then you say: "You have mistaken shit for food."

by cscherme March 7, 2009

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Cafeteria food

Low quality food that looks stale and unappetizing but costs relatively cheap. Usually is tax-free. Depending on your school, there will be days where the cafeteria serves higher quality food, such as Taco Bowl Tuesdays.

Only to be eaten when your mom didn't pack you lunch, or when you're too lazy or busy to walk to the nearest food place.

My mom forgot to pack my lunch so I went to order some cafeteria food. Unfortunately all the good stuff had been sold out and was left to order one of those sad-looking dried out cheeseburgers.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian November 6, 2021

Garcia Middle School Cafeteria Food

1. The worst tasting thing on the planet. Possibly came from the depths of hell.

(No organic ingredients used and fresh from a week ago)

Garcia middle school cafeteria food tastes like dog shit.

by Just a random anonymous person November 19, 2014

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Valโ€™s cafeteria food

Valโ€™s cafeteria food is a one of a kind food that either you hate or you love. Thereโ€™s no in-between. You could get a rotten apple from the trash, or even find a stray hair in your tater tot hot dish. With Valโ€™s cafeteria food, anything is possible. Even food poisoning.

โ€œHey have you tried Valโ€™s cafeteria food?โ€

โ€œNo, but I heard itโ€™s one of a kind!โ€

by VERONICAtheHARMONICANIST November 26, 2018

High School Cafeteria Food

The shittiest of shit. It's either overcooked or undercooked, or just straight up not cooked at all. The despair that fills your face when you take the first bite is masked by the primitive feeling of hunger, forcing you to accept the fateful bite that you take. Tears will stream your face for eating this food, and yet you still eat it, as you have nothing else to survive on.

Dude, the high school cafeteria food in my town makes you shit bricks

by MommyMilkerStan December 15, 2021

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