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Call Soccer

A maligned practice of lazy employees at a call center or helpdesk who routinely reject, roll, or "kick" calls to other employees in the queue when they don't feel like doing their job but are otherwise capable of taking a call.

We had four people in the call queue this morning but I ended up with all the calls because the others were playing Call Soccer.

by anon banana November 10, 2020

its called soccer

The way that the USA makes fun of the rest of the world during the World Cup 2022 (or any differences between the US and the rest of the world) in which they say "its called soccer!", referring to the fact that the USA is the only part of the world that doesn't call the sport "Futbol." This is usually paired with the phrase "RAHHHH", or the bald eagle flying emoji.


by theaveragetiktokuser January 16, 2023