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can race

Occurs when two employee's return from lunch break and one employee tries to beat the other to the restroom because he or she knows the other employee always has bad gas.

"Dave's going to go eat Mexican food for lunch, you can bet Alan will return early from break to gaurantee victory in that can race. No one wants to use that bathroom for atleast 30 minutes after Dave gets done with it"

by Brian Thomas Bowman June 4, 2007

4👍 1👎

beer can race

A casual, think flash mob of boats, sailboat race where all are welcome to enter. First one back in wins….bragging rights! Often the race is out toward some point/buoy/rock/etc for a set time, then you u-turn (wherever you are) and race back to finish at the starting line, so everyone has an even chance to come in first.

“If you need an excuse to get your Laser out sailing, there’s a Beer Can Race at Spirit Lake, 1:00pm every Sunday.”

by WCfields September 14, 2022