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candle wax

after oral sex, the slimy substance of jizz and saliva thats gagged up on a girls face when the girl is lying down and the man is on top of her, shoving his dick deep into her mouth, causing her to gag

Nicole had candle wax all over her face when josh was done shoving his dick into her mouth. There was so much, the candle was starting dripping down her hair

by jalb November 7, 2006

40👍 19👎

candle wax

Dang, after you hit that sticky sticky. A week or so later you end up having the nasty nasty, da white nasty gonnorhea shit! And that shit drips down your candle stick like some hot candle wax!

Dang that candle wax burns yo!

by David!M! December 30, 2005

24👍 29👎

Candle Wax

Getting your dick shaft waxed but leaving the rest.

Beach Season Bro, Time to get my Candle Wax done.

by WhiskeyKarma April 4, 2019

1👍 3👎

Candle wax girl

Candle wax girl is a very special that poos out candlr wax out of her arsehole and never poos really poo

Candle wax girl

by By trav April 17, 2020

4👍 2👎

Waxed Candle

Having sex with a chick when she has her period. You pull out and you have blood on your cock. it looks like a waxed candle.

Penny and I were having sex while she had her period. When i pulled out i had blood all over my cock. It made it look like a waxed candle.

by mossyierlog August 8, 2012

4👍 2👎

Wax Candle

When a man pours a melted, scented, paraffin, wax candle on his penis, let's it cool and harden, then fucks his partner in the ass with his waxy dick. At the climax, he pulls out, lights his pubes on fire to let the smell of sex and Watermelon Rain fill the room.

Him: Damn, your pussy stinks.
Her: Just do a Wax Candle then, Chad!

by Wibby Wu-tang January 23, 2021

2👍 2👎