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Someone who has no clue how to play cards, especially poker. They usually rear their stupid heads at the Blackjack tables.

So I was in Vegas playing blackjack. I got dealt a pair of Kings. The dealer had a five showing. This cardtard next to me took a hit and got a facecard. The dealer drew a 6 and I lost $100 bucks. WTF?

by Larry Tiita August 24, 2009

87👍 11👎


A cardtard is a person who lacks ability, experience or etiquette related to playing card games. The term is relatively inclusive, covering those people that have physical, emotional, or intellectual difficulties.

'Cardtardness' includes difficultly shuffling card decks, dealing cards, the inability to properly arrange cards by suit, arrange cards by rank or fan cards within a hand.

Additional examples include lacking recall and knowledge of card playing rules, not following suite, when required, playing out of turn, table talk, taking excessive amounts of time to make decisions and spilling soda on the playing surface (also known as a 'Karen').

by T. Henderson July 11, 2007

6👍 1👎


A cardtard is a person who lacks ability, experience or etiquette related to playing card games. The term is relatively inclusive, covering those people that have physical, emotional, or intellectual difficulties.
'Cardtardness' includes difficultly shuffling card decks, dealing cards, the inability to properly arrange cards by suit, arrange cards by rank or fan cards within a hand.

Additional examples include lacking recall and knowledge of card playing rules, not following suite, when required, playing out of turn, table talk, taking excessive amounts of time to make decisions and spilling soda on the playing surface (also known as a 'Alex').

Alex is a cardtard, obviously there can be two runs in one turn in the game of asshole

by Ben Button:) June 10, 2009