Source Code

Cash register

A rich chick or a chick with a rich daddy.

Justin V: I put my cock in a cash register on the weekend.

Chris A: What's a cash register?

Justin V: A very wealthy chick.

by Stirlingww January 13, 2010

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cash register

to hit someone with a register of cash

if you dont shut up, im going to have to cash register you

by ninja November 22, 2003

8๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

cash register

refers to a crackhead looking kid who would go by the name of Lawrence

Wow, look at cash register go!

by dfgvbyrthbf May 19, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

cock in the cash register

When the owner of an establishment, usually a restaurant or bar, uses/abuses their position as owner and has sex with their employees or customers.

Jeff: "Who's that dude molesting the bartender?"
Pete: "That's Greg, the owner of the hotel."
Jeff: "What, that fucker, shit he has his cock in the cash register."
Pete: "Damn right dude, you gotta be careful with that shit, some bitch is gonna come along and scream sexual harrasment and slam that register door right on his pecker."
Jeff: "No shit, that is going to hurt his johnson and his wallet."
Pete: "True dat."

by Pete Dick January 18, 2008

35๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cash register honest

A common way of saying that one is honest with other people as with thyne self. Another spin on said phrase in that you are always correct and true in your said honesty. The phrase has been seeming to spread like wild fire or a flaming case of herpes at A.A. meetings. One tool says this stupid phrase and everyone starts saying it, like the mother fucker just started some new fad and everyone was to get on the bandwagon.

Tool 1 : Since I've been coming here I have learned to become more honest, you know cash register honest. Now just your normal basic honest will no longer due.

Tool 2 : Amen to that, I feel the same way.

Dude : What the fuck does cash register honest even mean, you two are fuckin retarted.

by TV CAR March 26, 2010

43๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Turkish Cash Register

When someone inserts the chip of a debit/credit card into your anus.

That girl gave me the turkish cash register last night, not my thing.

by TheAllKnowingMrD March 20, 2018

yung cash register aka lil broomstick

Yung Cash Register aka Lil Broomstick is the hottest new rapper with his new song "Swept Up"

Yung Cash Register Aka Lil Broomstick Does Not Fuck With Lames

by BeastMaster65 July 17, 2017

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