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Cash register honest

A common way of saying that one is honest with other people as with thyne self. Another spin on said phrase in that you are always correct and true in your said honesty. The phrase has been seeming to spread like wild fire or a flaming case of herpes at A.A. meetings. One tool says this stupid phrase and everyone starts saying it, like the mother fucker just started some new fad and everyone was to get on the bandwagon.

Tool 1 : Since I've been coming here I have learned to become more honest, you know cash register honest. Now just your normal basic honest will no longer due.

Tool 2 : Amen to that, I feel the same way.

Dude : What the fuck does cash register honest even mean, you two are fuckin retarted.

by TV CAR March 26, 2010

43👍 27👎