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chat breeze

To speak a lot of bullshit. Not speak the truth

"BLAD! You chat BREEZE!"

by Paroxx April 6, 2006

45πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Chatting Breeze

London slang for talking nonsense, or speaking of something about which you have no clear understanding.

"Bingly bongly boo. Snippety-snappety-blarg. Goo ferplunk moo-ha ha ha."
"Man, don't chat breeze."

by Bonny lad November 11, 2004

122πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Chatting breeze

Basically meaning you are talking a load of crap, I.e not making any sense, or just saying random/irrelevant shit in general.

Person 1: β€œwhy the fuck does milk make cereal wet”
Person 2: β€œmate you’re actually chatting breeze”

by HavingMeOn June 23, 2018

Chatting Breeze

To Chat Breeze Is When You Will Row With Someone And You Will Be Putting A Point Across And The Other Will Be Talking Nonsense And Not Actually Saying Anything To Win The Arguement

Person One : Look Bruv I Took The Money Because You Owed Me It Anyway

Person 2 : You Wasteman Bruv Dnt Ever Touch My Tings Agan

Person To Is Chatting Breeze Because He Knows Hes In The Wrong.

by Azzle-A BrapBrap April 2, 2008

15πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

Chatting breeze

When someone farts into there hand and then places it to there mouth and inhales it and then blows it into a victims face

Bro this guy is chatting breeze all over my face and it stinks.

This guys pissing me off, I’m gonna chat breeze on his head

by Crinkiltot January 20, 2019

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž