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Chocolate Icecream

When you take a shit and it goes all over your ass cheeks.

Comes from the fact that Ice cream looks like ass cheeks when you first open it.

Fuck, I'm having chocolate icecream

by SmithJacks September 16, 2020

5👍 2👎

chocolate mint icecream

A disgusting green cold type of ice cream that tastes exactly like toothpaste with chocolate mixed in with it.

son-"Mom can we get some chocolate mint icecream?"
mother- "No timmy, fuck off with that gross ass bullshit!"

by ThePussyMuncher2000 October 10, 2017

8👍 4👎

Chocolate Icecream

When you take a shit and it goes all over your ass cheeks.

Fuck, I'm having chocolate icecream

by mY dONkeY iS cOoL June 26, 2021