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cincinnati steamer

Very similar to a Cleveland Steamer but the feces has the consistency of Cincinnati style chili. (Wet and Runny)

After I gave that hooker a Cincinnati steamer, I left her to lay in the puddle while I went to pick up some Skyline 3-ways and a few cheese conies

by manual_overide May 29, 2003

123👍 47👎

cincinnati steamer

The sexual art of squating over your partner while she performs phillatio on you; while taking a steaming pile of crap on her chest.

Man, that whore I went out with Saturday was so dirty she took a Cincinnati steamer and asked for more!

by Bud E Love May 2, 2003

48👍 64👎

Cincinnati Steamer

When a city road worker shits on your chest, while wareing his orange vest and yellow hard hat, as a homeless guy trys to jerk you off for beer money.

My wife is staying at her sister's this week, I think I'll go to Forth street for a good Cincinnati Steamer ...

by Whiskey Jack February 23, 2018

6👍 7👎