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Clown Nose

A euphemism for the practice of some professional comedians to wade into serious discussions on political, economic and or/ social issues and take firm stances, only to fall back on the excuse that they're "just a comedian" whenever their views are challenged or refuted. Usually used as "clown nose on/clown nose off" to illustrate the switch a comedian performs between trying to be taken seriously as a pundit and trying to deflect any actual debate by claiming to be a jokester.

Comic: *clown nose off* "And that's why I sincerely believe that we need to pass new laws to eliminate unemployment!"

Guest: "But 0% unemployment would drive up wages due to the lack of available workers to fill jobs, which would cause a ripple effect that raised the cost of goods and services."

Comic: *clown nose on* "...Look, pal, I just host a late-night comedy show. If you're taking this seriously, there must be something wrong with you! Ah-WOCKA-WOCKA!"

by Lex Logic April 26, 2019

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Clown Nose

A clown nose is when a penis head is tinted crimson from rough sexual relations with a person or person's butt hole or vagina. A bloody dick head.

I fucked Louisa in the ass and pulled out a Clown Nose.

by Clown Noser May 2, 2008

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Clown Nose

When you splooge all over a girls face than punch her in the nose.

Jim clown nosed Ruth and then attacked a wild bore.

by Shitface Magee February 6, 2004

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clown nosing

When a woman is on her period and sits on a man's face leaving him with a red nose.

Julie and Greg were clown nosing.

by Chilidoggin January 9, 2008

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Clown nose

When a girl is on her period and she 69's her man. The menstrual blood causes the man's nose to look like that of a clown.

MAN 1-"Dude, my girl was on her period and we 69'd"
MAN 2-"Holy shit man, you got the clown nose?"

by BIGP312 February 9, 2009

56๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

clown nose

when you fart in your hand and close it then cover someones nose with the hand full-a-fart

o god while i was sleeping he gave me a clown nose

by bobo the sad for uties September 9, 2005

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Clown nose

A side effect of performing anilingus (analingus) on a female who has started her menstrual cycle.

What's wrong ass goblin?

Went down for a feast and left with a clown nose...

by agoblin September 15, 2018

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