Source Code


Inflected Form(s):

com·mit·ted; com·mit·ting
1 a: to put into charge or trust : entrust b: to place in a prison or mental institution c: to consign or record for preservation <commit it to memory> d: to put into a place for disposal or safekeeping
2: to carry into action deliberately : perpetrate <commit a crime>
3 a: obligate, bind

If you are committed to correct spelling, you will remember that this word doubles its final t from "commit" to "committed."

by My Pseud0nym July 29, 2009

24👍 14👎


Commitment: Ones mental fixation on accomplishing a task or a goal. My level of commitment is only limited by my vision of the income produced by the outcome. If the process is too difficult the outcome may be sufficiently larger than the potential income and therefore my commitment may suck.

The project you gave me will take two days so my commitment to this project sucks.

by yodotcom March 5, 2011

47👍 41👎


com·mit kuh-mit
–verb (used with object)

To masturbate to a movie not intended for the aforementioned purpose.

Sure, it was all fun and games at first...but when we caught Ben renting "The Parent Trap" we knew he had a problem.

I was gonna commit to that cute CNN anchor this morning, but that story about teen obesity was major buzzkill.

by Br1an December 8, 2006

74👍 73👎


to place oneself in extreme circumstances to complete a ridicolously loose task

masslad1- im going to commit the bilshwang while riding my tricycle backwards down the hill while balancing on my head

masslad2- woooow looooose i cant beleive u are going to commit that


by looose August 14, 2008

17👍 14👎



Used to show ones anger towards another person(s)
References "Go Commit Suicide"

Can also be used with the word "Go" as in "Go Commit"

Sam: "Hey Jake, wanna chill?"
Jake: "Sorry I can't. Im going to the game and i already gave my extra ticket away."
Sam: "Commit, you bastard."

by selkewelke February 6, 2009

22👍 17👎

the Commitments

Popular early 90s movie about a group of people from Dublin who start a band and experience some relief from their mundane and sometimes dismal lives. This movie had a very popular soundtrack.

Last night I watched the Commitments. It was full of Irish sterotypes but entertaining nonetheless.

by sylvy September 24, 2006

5👍 3👎

in commitment

when one thinks they're in love;; but they're only in it for the sex.

"I'm not in love I'm in commitment."

by fuckme? June 2, 2009