Source Code

Community Guidelines

That really long thing nobody reads but agrees too anyways. See also Content Guidelines.

"I agree to the community guidelines"

by Apple Byter February 21, 2020

Community Guidelines

Bullshit, Nothing but bullshit.

also, a thinly gised term used when censoring speech (like I expect this may get when I submit it) when it is too difficult for the moderator to acknowledge the truth that exists. (like there being a way to recover data from an iphone, or repair a non booting xbox)

Thank you for your post but since this is a thread that Violates the ************ Forum Community Guidelines we will be locking it.

As stated under Rule (22.) Please do not discuss or post links to any topic that could violate the Terms Of Use. This includes ANY discussion of self-repair. Please only suggest official support procedures as noted on official support pages on nameyourcorporatesleezebag.com.

by HO Ho Mamusel January 20, 2021

Community guidelines

Legit just aggravating why have community guidelines if no one reads them and plus I have broken so many guidelines Jesus Christ but I do enjoy exterminating the fucking Jews from the earth

Why do community guidelines exist

by Dengplural December 9, 2019

Black Magic 2 Community NSFW Guidelines

Black Magic 2 Community NSFW Guidelines are rules set up in order to prevent NSFW content from being posted in the Black Magic 2 Community server.

TL;DR, free strikes.

Wow, I just got a strike. Thank you so much Black magic 2 Community NSFW Guidelines! You're very helpful towards the community!

by Orangano April 22, 2019