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comp sci

Short for Computer Science. the study of programming computers.

Comp sci class is hard.

by 5'11"Racer November 18, 2006

46👍 10👎

comp sci casual

Wearing a tee-shirt when otherwise a collar would be worn.

Here, the programmers get casual Friday every day; it's comp sci casual.

by amodell February 14, 2013

comp sci help

When one helps a girl with her computer science homework for a thank-you blowjob.

Steve: Yesterday I went to give a girl "comp sci help" if you know what I mean (;
*high five*

by RyDogNerdForest March 4, 2014

10👍 3👎

Comp Sci Help

When a girl asks you for computer science work help, this is her hinting she wants yo dick.

Matilda: Hey Bob, Can I get some comp sci help
Bob: yes its 6 inches long, can you take it?

by godpenisgod33 June 8, 2023