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complex number

(MATHEMATICS) a number consisting of a real number and an imaginary number; imaginary numbers are multiples of the square root of -1.

You need a complex number to express the value of an electromagnetic wave function.

by Abu Yahya April 23, 2010

15👍 1👎

Complex numbers

A euphemism for fake breasts used during conversations in which the subject or subject's friends may be able to hear what is being said.

Derived from mathematics where complex numbers are those that are not real (like the breasts.)

Holy shit check out those complex numbers!

by qukkie July 14, 2008

13👍 5👎

polar coordinates and complex numbers

A unit of study in General Specialist Math. It involves maping out points on both Argand diagrams and basic cartesian planes.
"Complex numbers" involve a set of Real (Re) and Imaginary (Im) numbers. Imaginary numbers are represented by the letter i and are represented on a Argand diagram.

polar coordinates and complex numbers are useful for solving other geometric equations

by He's the boxman September 29, 2006

8👍 4👎