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compton scattering

1. the decrease in energy (increase in wavelength) of an X-ray or gamma ray photon, when it interacts with matter
2. what happens when the police come near a large crowd in the ghetto

There were numerous cases of compton scattering during the riots last week.

by ortho May 17, 2007

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Compton Scatter

Urban slang for a sawed-off shotgun. This is often used as a word for a throw-away gun such as a Saturday Night Special.

"Hey Bra, you still got that Compton Scatter? I'm 'bout to ride on these fools!"

by $lapaho September 11, 2013

Compton scattering

What a white guy in an Enyce or Fubu outfit that doesn't do anything but listen to Ice Cube and Ice T records all day would do if he was really in Compton, every time, any time.

I've just been laying here bleeding out like a lamb since the Compton scattering incident, scared to get up again. They just got so mean since we fell out, they're bad seeds and they've been scaring me lately. They got me looking over both shoulders.

by Solid Mantis May 8, 2021