Source Code

computer illiterate

Someone who doesn't know how to use a computer no matter how much you try to help them.

Me - Click "OK"
Dumbass - Click what?
Me - Click "OK"
Dumbass - I don't see "OK"
Me - It should be right in the middle of the screen. Click "OK"

Dumbass - Huh? I can't find "OK" anywhere
Me - Sorry. I cannot help you any further. You are computer illiterate.

by beastRuffian April 28, 2011

40👍 9👎

computer illiterate

unable to use a computer without phoning half the population to help out.
(i've got a virus what do i do) LMAO
the unluckiest man alive must have had nearly every virus in the book (See SBS) Solution learn about PC's before you get one!!!!

(I don't Know what i'm doing HELP ME). SEE SBS

by Rupert Winkle June 26, 2004

34👍 16👎

computer illiterate

a term of endearment/sarcasm/ insult, depending on the situation, for one's old man 9father) or old lady (mother)

boy: yoohoo, dad, my favorite computer illiterate, please give me cash for my weekly candy portion, well if you don't want to give me my allowance.

father: stop calling me a computer illiterate, young man, cuz I am a computer engineer by profession, please improve your vocabulary and then come back and talk to me comme du monde

by Sexydimma May 27, 2012

14👍 5👎

Computer Illiterate


To not understand computers, and to be unable to perform simple tasks with them.

The term also refers to those who do know know simple computer related terms or software applications, such as Microsoft Word.

This term does not extend to understanding 1337 speak or to those who aren't h4x0rs

Mitchell: Yo Johnny! Been h4x0ring any b0x0rs?

Johnny: Wah?

Mitchell: Oh, yer, you are computer illiterate.

Johnny: Wah?

by Unknown [to an extent] December 17, 2005

51👍 17👎

computer illiterate

a term of endearment/sarcasm/ insult, depending on the situation, for one's old man (father) or old lady (mother)

boy: yoohoo, dad, my favorite computer illiterate, please give me cash for my weekly candy portion, well if you don't want to give me my allowance.

father: stop calling me a computer illiterate, young man, cuz I am a computer engineer by profession, please improve your vocabulary and then come back and talk to me comme du monde

by Sexydimma September 1, 2012

computer illiterate

a term of endearment/sarcasm/ insult, depending on the situation, for one's old man (father) or old lady (mother)

boy: yoohoo, my favorite computer illiterate, please give me cash for my weekly candy portion, or my my allowance.

father: stop calling me a computer illiterate, young man, because kodem koll I won't stand for it, you insulting me; I am a computer engineer, and two, i prefer the term father or dad. Even the expression old man won't do any longer. Now, young man, please improve your vocabulary, then come back and talk to me comme du monde.

by Sexydimma October 29, 2012