Source Code

construction site

Somewhere Noisy Where They Are Building Or Getting Rebuild Anywhere.

I Walk Past The Noisy Construction Site Until I Need To Where Ear Plugs.

by CreaterNow April 3, 2016

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Lost in the construction site

The severe anal attacking using power tools such as drills and Jack hammers for butthole pleasure. this all must take place in a construction site/ area of road work. once done with your severe anal torture, get some nice wet cement and a trowel and spackle that ass up. insert a cynder block while cement is wet.

"Bro what happened to you?!?"

"i just got lost in the construction site, it hurt soo good"

"well i might go finger myself with an acorn"

by InstantBonersex February 21, 2015

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

construction site hot

A female that is on a construction site, lumber yard, supply house etc, that looks extremely attractive but it might just be the surroundings. They may be an attractive female but the lack of other females to compare to makes them hot by default.

Man, I saw this chick at the lumberyard the other day, smoking hot. Saw the same chick at the grocery store… Not so hot, she’s construction site hot

by Puddyhead February 22, 2023