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cool asian

Cool asian for example is a asian that EVERYONEat school knows. You may not know who he/she is, but you have seen or heard of them before.

Person 1:See that person over there?
Person 2:Yeah
Person 1:He is a cool asian

by E to the ugene May 25, 2005

189👍 67👎

cool asian

Cool asian for example is a asian kid that EVERYONE at school knows. You may not know he/she but you have either seen or heard of them.

Person 1:See that kid over there?
Person 2:Yeah
Person 1:Hes a cool asian

by E to the ugene May 25, 2005

102👍 71👎

cool asians

That big group of asians you usually have at your school. That aren't the nerdy loser ones. The girls in the group usually wear Hollister, Abercrombie. And the guys wear LRG, or Ecko red and usually have nice shoes. And they are all pretty cool and really popular.

Oh yeah, I wish I hung out with the cool asians.

by masssterlyssss November 4, 2007

121👍 41👎

cool asians

Every school has the group of cool asians. Lemme give a description: probably filipino, mixed with guys and girls, says the n word, only talks to their group, shady to everyone, everyone wants to be them, a group of cool kids

dude 1: bro a cool asian walked pass me in the hall.. i’d didn’t even know how to react... i was like terrified but speechless

dude 2: sounds like a cool asians to me

by sexybitch707 October 14, 2019

1👍 1👎

asian cool vision

When you aren't asian but your eyes are squinty like asian eyes, and people call you asian. Also known as ACV

Do you see less with your asian cool vision?

by framponypod December 14, 2010

8👍 3👎