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Cool Mom

1. A mother (usually that of a tween or teen-ager) that also dresses preppy. (See prep, preppy, tween.)

2. A mother that treats her teen-agers as peers by aiding, allowing, and/or encouraging them to partake in adult activities in the home that include but are not limited too drinking, drugging, and sex.

1. Brittany bugged her mother to buy the polo shirt at American Eagle so that she would look like a cool mom.

2. Jane bought her gurls(see gurls) their favorite wine coolers for their beach trip. She just wanted to be a cool mom.

3. In Chapel Hill, a very liberal town, co-ed sleepovers are common. Cool moms just have to knock on the bedroom door before entering.

by T. - M. September 30, 2006

27👍 16👎

Cool Mom

A mom that irresponsibly parents her teens and lets them drink alcohol, as seen in the Canadian blockbuster Mean Girls.

I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom.

by xowe March 31, 2019

4👍 3👎

Cool Mom

an extremely cool guy named David, who was born in fjii water.

"No way, it's cool mom!"

by SIDTUCKER January 25, 2021

2👍 6👎

Cool Soccer Moms

Soccer moms are cool (abviously) but all are different. All their children do different after-school activities other than soccer and they all drive different color fans. Every soccer mom loves their kids as well. They call them "their little angels". Soccer moms are cool. Soccer moms are life.

" Averi, Bianca, Kylie, Abby, and Sage are busy, happy, and cool soccer moms".

by donut2924 May 16, 2017

3👍 2👎