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corned beef hash

A delicious, fatty, & salty treat in a can that resembles dog food.

Yo, you got any corned beef hash?

by film_geek1982 February 24, 2009

16👍 1👎

corned beef hash

to vomit in a womens vagina

last night I threw down some corned beef hash

by chefdude73 March 18, 2007

12👍 15👎

corned beef hash

Someone suffering with a highly infectious skin condition to the leggs

Suzanne Ellingham, Harlow, Essex. We thought she was shedding her skin. ABSOLUTELY DISCUSTING

by Kate Newman September 22, 2003

2👍 19👎

Corned beef hash

Girl goes down on you, gags, throws up on your dick, but likes it and continues to completion, but you're not sure you liked it

It was a normal BJ until my girlfriend corned beef hashed me!

by ALTbitches April 14, 2016

6👍 2👎