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cousin sister

its when you are a redneck and your uncle mom and aunt dad have a daughter

i had sex with my cousin sister last night. my aunt dad got dibs on tonight.

by ziptied chevy June 4, 2018

Sister cousin

Female cousin

Sister cousin is the nicest I love her sissy

by 459395 April 3, 2023


a sister-cousin is when your baby's daddy has a child with your sister-- your baby and her baby are sister-cousins.

"im going to the movies tonight with my sister-cousin"

by scrapwebb January 6, 2012

34👍 22👎

sisters cousin

It's not my cousin, it's my sister's cousin so we can fuck

When me and my sisters cousin are scrawgin in the back seat it's legal since she ain't my cousin, she's my sister's cousin

by Rustybug26 December 29, 2017

4👍 3👎

Sister Cousin (SC)

Female heterosexual life mates.

Sister Cousin (SC) is a Heterosexual female life mate.

by 802GlobeTrotter April 5, 2019

4👍 2👎