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Crack Pack

When you put crack cocaine in a pudding cup and feed it to children.

Tom: Whoa, Billy sure is acting strange today!
Sam: Yeah, I gave him a crack pack for snacktime.

by chippofftheoldblock February 19, 2017

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Crack Pack

A gay false imitation of abdominal muscles, usually caused by malnutrition or heavy drug use. Predominantly seen in crack addicts and trailer trash.

'That guy is so reem with his six pack'
'Bitch please, that's a crack pack.'

by PuuPuuPlater December 8, 2013

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crack pack

A backpack/bag/duffel/etc. which contains emergency clothing and hygenics, in the event one cannot go home before going to work/school/see the GF/parents etc. after unexpectedly being up all night partying/doing drugs/banging the mistress/etc.

Matt: Yo man, you gotta work in an hour and we been here blowing llello all night. Won't yo ho know you been up all night when yo go home to change?

Pat: Na, I got it all here in my crack pack.

by djkevinz February 16, 2008

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crack pack rap

rapping with slurred speach. Like you have a few bags of crack in your mouth.

DJ,"Why does Rich the Factor rap like that, i can hardly understand him?"

Walt,"Man thats that 'crack pack rap' Didn't you know thats the new thing?"

by kcnick89 May 15, 2010

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cracking and packing

Teen drug trend whereby teens hollow out a cucumber, fill it with crack and put it in their anus to absorb it faster.

Leighton spent his weekend Illing, cold chilling, maxing, relaxing, kicking it, flipping it, running it hot, hitting it raw, cracking and packing.

by Celso_Barese April 11, 2017

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Pits, pack, crack, get out!

The series of events one should follow when adhering to the utmost of courtesy and etiquette in a large scale shower stall wrangle. That is, when out at a festival, campground, or military exercise where many men have to share a few shower stalls, common sense dictates that one shouldn't linger.

Hails from USA military slang in the modern day. To spend time hanging out soaking in the hot water while your bros wait in line is lame.

"what's the big hold up, why's the lineup moving so slow...it's easy man it's pits, pack, crack, get out!"

"-I'm not looking forward to the showers out here man I hear the water's pretty darn cold

-Don't worry you won't be in there long enough, it'll be pits, pack, crack, get out!"

by joelpball123 October 12, 2009

What the frick frack diddily dack patty wack snick snack crack pack slack mack quarterback crackerjack biofeedback backtrack thumbtack sidetrack tic-tac is this shit

The ultimate expression of "What the fuck", this word is to be used only in the most extreme of situations. Brutal overuse of this term could lead to a tear in the fabric of the universe, causing reality to fall apart at an abstraction rate of 7.59 Cuils per second. Please be very careful with the word you have just read. The power of the cosmos rests in your hands.

John Watson: Holmes, I do believe this was not a murder, but in fact a suicide.
Sherlock Holmes: What the frick frack diddily dack patty wack snick snack crack pack slack mack quarterback crackerjack biofeedback backtrack thumbtack sidetrack tic-tac is this shit
Universe: *collapses*
Watson: dammit Holmes

by Fetchez la vache March 24, 2015

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