Source Code

Crash landing

One's reaction after popping in the rental dvd for what one believes to be "Crash", Paul Haggis's hard-edged but ultimately heart-warming commentary on race relations in Los Angeles (and, thus, the world), only to find that one has accidentally rented "Crash", David Cronenberg's controversial and sexually graphic film (based on JG Ballard's controversial book) about car-crash sexual fetishism.

Pa: Ma, I do believe that woman is completely nude, and being sodomized by that man.

Ma: Pa, I do believe you are not mistaken. Oh my. (faints)

Rod Serling: What we have just seen here is a most unfortunate Crash landing. One that has sent these two hick fucks...(wait for it)...into The Twilight Zone.

by ChuckChaser69 July 15, 2010

39👍 5👎

Crash Landing

A handshake in which a person reaches out for a handshake with someone they had just met but quickly fakes him/her out and goes for a hug but then again fakes him/her out by stretching his/her arms out in what appears to be a falling airplane position and quickly grabbing/fingering his/her balls/pussy.
Hence the "crash landing".

Joe: Yo dan why does it look like you've just seen your grandma getting fucked in the ass?

Dan: dude some guy just went to shake my hand and hug me at the same time, but instead he grabbed my fuckin sack!!

Joe: HAAA! sounds like you just got a crash landing!

by Joe dan keith May 30, 2008

10👍 4👎

Crash Landing

An unkempt vagina. Excessive hair in the vaginal area. An explosion of hair in the lower private area of a woman. A landing strip gone wrong.

Turtle's friend: Yo man did you hook up with her yet?
Trurtle: Yeah duuuuude she had a hugeeeee crash landing!!!!! it looks like a jungle.

by GUiDeTtE PrInCesSx3 August 10, 2010

4👍 2👎

crash landing

When a man completely smashes a woman's box. (see smash box)

Aidos: Hey Krystal, why are you walking like that?

Krystal: I had a crash landing last night!

by Aidos December 31, 2005

6👍 10👎

crash land naked

Often said of someone who has unexpectedly ended up in an unfamiliar situation for which they are completely unprepared to deal with, particularly in a psycological sense.

"The last place on earth E.T. needs to crash land naked is any place where a four-legged animal is considered an all terrain vehicle." -Unfilter @ 8bm.com

by Smidge204 April 8, 2004

15👍 3👎

crash land

verb. to urgently or uncontrollably begin shitting after one's pants are down and one has begun to descend to sit on the toilet but before one's butt cheeks have touched down on the toilet seat.

Sorry I'm late, I had to crash land after eating a gas station burrito.

by iwreckbathrooms April 10, 2022

Crash Landing

When you fall off a building, naked, and you teabag someone when you hit the ground. It always results in two fatalities.

Ben Dupuis had a major "Crash Landing" on that bitch in downtown Toronto.

by Show time August 12, 2008