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criminally low IQ

Description of a dangerously unintelligent person.

She believed Fhoax News when they said the pandemic was a hoax, that Bill Gates had 'created' coronavirus so he could make money from it, and take over the whole world's something-or-other health-system thing, and she believed that 'the government' was 'paying doctors' in 'a hospital' to write 'coronavirus' on death certificates, to... uhh... to, whatever, help Bill Gates take over, and... that Bobby Kennedy used fake science to support Hillary Clinton's presidential vaccination run, even though he had died in 1968, but she heard it from a doctor on Fhoax and from Rush, and he had the Medal of Freedom, and she had guns, and bullets, and the same number of votes as one of those millions of illegal voters, and anyone claimed that she had a criminally low IQ deserved to be shot.

by Monkey's Dad April 19, 2020

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