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Crotch Cheese

A cheesey foul smelling substance that develops around the genital area when a person does not wash.

Simon the tramp has crotch cheese

by clocksprings April 12, 2009

crotch cheese

nasty smelling mixture of vaginal secretions and sweat which accumulates when a woman doesn't wash for a period of time. The female variety of dick cheese.

dude... i couldn't go down on her... she smelled like crotch cheese!

by Pooge June 1, 2006

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Cheese Crotch

A crotch cheesier than an order of nachos from 7/11 and smells equivalent to a baseball stadium filled with parmesan.

"Yo did you get laid last night?"
"No bro, she had a cheese crotch."
"Ew. The worst."
"Yeah it was nasty, like extra cheddar."

by Crotch cheesier than nachos March 13, 2016

Chilli-Cheese Crotch

When you lather his/her crotch up with chilli and cheese and proceed to feast like a king/queen.

Hey, Brian! I totally chilli-cheese crotched your mom last night but it triggered my acid reflux.

by DiscoSasquatch1 October 15, 2020