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boat cruise

An adjective used to describe something that appears to be amazing, but upon closer inspection, is absolutely not.

That movie was so boat cruise.

by The North End Pirates November 27, 2005

12👍 7👎

boat cruise wasted

the act of drinking a shitload within a small time frame and then being at the utmost, HIGHEST level of being fucked up. perpetrated mostly by wild university students within a science faculty that are in possession of unlimited alcohol and/or other drugs.

Guy 1: Bro, do you see that guy over there?!

Guy 2: The white guy with punch all over his white shirt, dancing like a fool?

Guy 1: Yeah! Haha, he's definitely boat cruise wasted! I heard he was in the washroom for thirty minutes because he couldn't tell difference between the dryer and urinal.

Guy 2: Ahahahahaha, yeah. Boat cruised wasted!!!!

by drunkfroshie November 5, 2011

Cruise Boats

1.An awesome word that people who don't see cruise ships often use.

2. A word you get when you switch ship with boat.

1. "I saw a lot of cruise boats on the way here." "What? Haha, cruise ships?" "What?" "Haha."

2. Cruise boats, life ships, ferry ships, battle boats, etc.

by MetaEnder September 4, 2009