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crumple zone

A somewhat ambiguous term referring to the soft parts on a girlfriend. Implies that said zones are resilient.

Shorty's got hella crumple zones. Busted that all night with no complaints.

by jhndrdgg May 26, 2011

5👍 1👎

paradox-absorbing crumple zones

What Robot Santa's head was built with in Futurama

Leela: Consider this. You destroy those you deem to be naughty, but many of those you destroy are, in fact, nice. Therefore, you are naughty and must destroy yourself.

Robot Santa: Nice try, but my head was built with paradox-absorbing crumple zones.

by Bob882 December 21, 2004

57👍 5👎

the crumple zone

The crumple zone is when the ass of the recipient is ample and the act of penetration from behind creates a ripple effect.

the crumple zone reminded Larry of waves on his vacation

by the bonecrusher December 18, 2016